3 Jun 2016

#Yoga Fights Diabetes:Adopt Yoga and Say Good Bye to All Disease

Adopt Yoga and Say Good Bye to All Disease

Yoga is an ancient practice to heal the body , mind and soul relaxation, reduced stress leading to a  tension free life, are the precious gifts that a person can benefited off  if he sincerely practice yoga. If person adopt yogic practice in his daily life, he will be  cured off all disease.  Not only the physical alinment ,but also his mental and spiritual power will grow and a stage come when this body of muscles and bone turned to the spiritual , delighted temple of wisdom Given below few methods whose daily practice will give you a healthy body free of disease , healthy mind with good thoughts and spiritual soul full of love and harmony.
Sath Karma
First in the line of yoga are sath Karna . They are performed for preparing the body for further yogic assans. These are as follows
a.       Dothi Kirya
b.      Basti Kirya
c.       Neeti Kirya
d.      Tratak Kirya
e.      Noolie Kirya
f.        Kapal Bhati

a.                   Dothi Kirya :- For performing  dothi Kirya , a thin soft cloth of 3 inch width and 20’ feet length is used. This piece of cloth is swallowed through mouth  to stomach slowly . After 2-3 minutes cloths is  taken out through mouth. This kirya helps in removing the  excess fat deposited in pancreases , liver, intestine and other part of digestive system . it is also useful in removal of cough, cold and asthama problems. It also removes the irritation of throat. Since it activate the pancreas, it regulate the insulin flow to body and control the blood sugar content of the body.
b.                  Basti Kirya :- This is performed for the cleaning of intestine through anus. Person sits the tub containing water with  buttock dip in water. A rubber pipe of about 6” is taken from one end of pipe about 2” is inserted in anus. Water is sucked from other open end. After some  time  the water is drained off. This kriya helps in the treatment of appendices, constipation, piles, fishers , urine disorder , gastic problem etc.
c.                   Neeti Kirya :  In this act, a jug with spout is taken. Water is poured in one nostril and is taken out throughother nostril. This kirya is very good for the removal of sputum from the nose. It is also helpful in removing the problems of eyes , gastic troubles and in removing headache problems.
d.                  Tratak Kirya : Tratak means seeing any object like candle light , star , moon etc. continuously withoutflickering the eylids as long as possible . If eyes flickers in between , then again start looking the object. This is basically a meditation act which seems simple but it  gives enormous mental power to a person. This kirya is very beneficial for removing all the disorders of eyes like long sightness, short sighted etc. It helps in improving the concentration of mind. It also helps in curing of depression problem.
e.                  Noolie Kirya : For this kirya , it is essential that stomach should be empty . This is air from performed by standing with body bending forward little and body bend  with both hands on thighs,. For this , first exhale stomach , perform udyan bandh and move stomach round in clockwise and anticlockwise direction. This kirya is helpful in the removal of constipation , excess fat and liver problems.
f.                    Kapalbhati:- For this kirya , person has to sit in any comfortable position like sukhasanor padmasan with both hands on knees, keeping back and neck in straight position. Now he exhale the air and again inhale it. The inhaling and exhaling of air is done repeatedly for five minutes. This is very good kirya for proper function of lungs, for the removal cough, sputum , cure asthama , constipation , acidity , diabetes etc.

By Maharishi Patanjali , Yoga consists of eight parts : Yam, Niyam, Assan, Pranayam, partihar, Dharna, Dhyan and Samadhi
Yam- is again divided in five parts : Shock, tap, santosh, swadhya, Ishwarprani dhyan. Before following the yam practice, one  should be totally mentally and physically relaxed.
Niyam  is again of five type . They are Satya Ahinsa , Astay, Bharamcharya, Aprigrah. Adopting Niyam is life give you rid off high / low blood pressure , mentally disorder and [roblem of a sleepiness. 
Assan : “Sithar Sukham Assanam”, i.e  to keep body in peaceful posture in any situation is called assan. Doing these assans, we can get rid of disease / problems like  backache , neckache, Shoulder pain , knee pain, leg pain, pain in fingers problem in walking and sitting , vibration in hands , legs , acidity in proper functioning of liver , pancreas, problem of over sleeping , diabetes, high blood pressure , depression, piles , fishers , enlarged prostate, They also helps in improving over nervous system , reducing stress , allergy related disease , cough , asthama , reducing obesity mental disorder , and pregnancy related problem in women
Types of Assan:- Following are the assans , which if we follow are helpful in all above mentioned disease / problems
1.       Asans Performed by standing
2.       Asans Perfomed by sitting
3.       Assans performed by laying down on back
4.       Assans performed by laying down on stomach
Assans performed by standing :- Generally these assans are useful for whole body. These are like Hastpad assan , Griva (neck) chalan asan, kartal (fingers) chalan asan, Kurshi asan , Hatora asan, Kona asan, Trikon asan, Katichalan, Tadaasan.
Assans performed by sitting :- These assan are performed for the curing of many disease . Main asans are vazra asan, Mundak asan, Shupt Vazrasan, Padmasan, Titliasan, Gomukh asan , Matsya indra asan , pashim- utan asan and vakasan
Asan performed by laying down on back :- These are sargvang asan , chakra asan, Noka asan, Mala asan, Cycle chalan asan, Pawan mukt asan, aswa asan
Asans performed laying down on stomach :- These are bhujang asan , Dhanur asan, Nabhya asan, Sala bhasan, Mayur asan, Makra asan
Paranayam yogic breathing
Yoga gives attention first to the physical body, which it sees as the vehicle of the soul's existence and activity. Purity of mind is not possible without purity of the body in which it dwells, and by which it is affected. By the practice of Asanas and Pranayama, the mind becomes one-pointed and one can progress quickly in concentration and meditation. Vital energy (Prana) is found in all living things. We absorb the Prana through the food we eat, through the water we drink, through sunlight, etc. Knowledge and control of Prana is called Pranayama.
The highest and most subtle manifestation of Prana is thought. The grossest manifestation of Prana in the human body is in the motion of the lungs. If the motion of the lungs is stopped, all other energy and movements in the body will stop automatically. This motion acts like the flywheel that sets the other forces of the body in motion.
Pranayama begins with controlling the motion of the lungs, by which the Prana is controlled. When the subtle prana is controlled, all gross manifestations of Prana in the physical body will slowly come under control. When we are able to do this, the whole body will be under our control. All diseases of the body can be destroyed at the root by controlling and regulating the Prana; this is the secret knowledge of healing.  
There are 4 stages to breathing in Pranayama which should be controlled, these are:
§  Inhalation (Puraka) - which focuses on controlling the intake of air, keeping it smooth and efficient.
§  Internal retention of air (Antara Kumbhaka) - which focuses on controlling the retention of air within the lungs after an inhalation.
§  Exhalation (Recaka) - which focuses on controlling the expelling of used air and waste from the lungs.
§  External retention (Bahya Kumbhaka) - which focuses on controlling the retention of empty lungs after an exhalation.
Many, but not all, Pranayama techniques focus on extending the time for each of these 4 stages of the breathing cycle. This includes developing a long, smooth and steady inhalation that lasts the same duration as the exhalation and making sure that the lungs are completely full or completely empty at the end of each breathing cycle  It also includes extending the length of time. Controlling the breath in this manner requires the use of the mind to resist the natural and automatic impulses and desires of the body to breath, particularly during the internal and external retention of the breath.
Not only does the Pranayama have a direct impact on the brain through changes to the amount of oxygen brought to the brain through the blood, but focusing on the breath in this manner has a profound effect on the mind and concentration. All of which makes Pranayama an important method to enhance relaxation, concentration (Dharana) and meditation (Dhyana).
Pranayam :- Types of Pranayam
1.                   Anulom – Vilom Pranayam:- In this pranayam the right nostril is closed by right thumb and air in inhaled through left nostril. Then left nostril is closed and air exhaled through right nostril. This activity repeated continuously for minimum ten times or for minimum two minutes. This pranayam is very useful for the remedy of breathing related problem like asthama, cough , cold . It is also useful in migrane , heat problems and antherities .
2.                   Surya Bhadi : Air is inhaled  through right nostril . After this Jalandhar Bandh is to be performed followed by kumbhak and exhaled air by left nostril . This asan is very useful to those people who feels excessive cold or suffering from cough.
3.                   Chandra Bhadi: In  this air is inhaled  through left nostril . In this also Jalandhar Bandh is followed by Kumbhak. Now air is  exhaled through right nostril . This asan is useful in calming  down  the anger and anxiety of the person. This is special for summer seasons and same person from excessive heat stroke.
4.                   Ujjai Pranayam :- In this pranayam air is inhaled through both nostril , when air is going in humming sound comes from the throat with air in lungs , jalandhar bandh is removed and air is exhaled through mouth. This is best pranayam for getting all problems related to thyroid  glands, un-digestion, paralysis, T.B. fever, headache, dilution of spermatic fluid etc. It is also useful for the removal of snoring problem.
5.                   Sheetali Pranayam : This is performed by turning tounge in take from inside the mouth and inhale air , which is exhale through both nostril – This Pranayam provides coolness to the body in especially useful for summer season.
6.                   Bharistrika Pranayam : In this pranayam air in inhaled deeply in lungs through both nostrils and exhaled through both nostrils slowly. The above process should be repeated three times . Care should be  taken that air is inhaled in lungs and not in stomach . This paranayam is usful in the curing of constipation, un-digestion , gastic problem , diabetes jaundice  and othe gastro – intestinal problems, allergy. It helps in  removing lack on concentration, Asthama , increased cholesterol migrane , head ache , depression etc. People suffering from high blood pressure and heart disease should perform this pranayam slowly. By doing this pranayam heat is generated inside the body , so this is very good exercise to be done in the winter season.
7.                   Sheethari Pranayam :- In this pranayam both jaws are  held and tounge is pressed of the back of teeth. Air is inhaled through mouth with closed teeth and exhaled through nose. This pranayam is useful in summer season as it provide coolness in body . It reduces acidity and also helpul  in increasing sexual power of human being.
8.                   Bharamri Pranayam :- Air is deeply inhaled in lungs , with calmness air is slowly exhaled with the chanting noise of “Om”. It this positive energy to body , reduces stress , removing the breathing related problems , depression , and migrane.

Meditation is an activity which concentrate all the powers of human being and helps in achieving the aim of life. This is a process which enables person to achieve the solutions of all those questions whose solutions he otherwise not getting from anywhere. It is difficult to say whether meditation helps in the  physical development of  a person  or in mental or spiritual development as person. When initially approaching the act of  meditation , he immediately  starts receiving the physical benefits. As the person increases its practice of meditation , the mental tension/ disease start curing. For a long time person is not benefited spiritually but persons starts getting the benefit forward physical and mental stage. As the person’s practice towards meditation increase regularly, his conscious starts increasing about himself and  he started getting spiritual benefit. His desire and  jealous  towards other starts claming down and his unsolved questions starts getting their solutions. When person starts getting physical happiness, all his physical disease starts disappearing like low / high B.P. problem , joint pains etc. It is reported that severe disease like cancer, Aids also starts removing . The temple like body  now starts becoming (pious) slowly. By the curing of mental tension, all problems  related to mind also starts curing like removal of migrane, headache , low memory, low concentration , depression , not getting interest in work, etc. Person regularly practicing meditation gives most efficient and good results in his work place . In reality , meditation actually provides the maximum spiritual benefit to the person , In-fact , meditation is spiritual act. It can be best understood by the example of  keeping the cow in house or using cow dung or Cow’s urine , disease related to space and air ( Vata) fire and water (Pitta) and earth and water (Kapha) can be cured. However, the milk obtained from the cow is best of all things. In the same way, the physical and mental benefit received from meditation is very small and compared to spiritual benefit achieved from the meditation . Spiritual benefit of meditation is priceless and is real in true sense.

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